Sunday 15 October 2017

"I'm Glad I'm Not Black." - Parenting Race Issues when White and Ineffectual

Yesterday, my six year old daughter started talking to me about Rosa Parks. I'm not sure if this was something that had come up at school or if she had been reading the picture book we have about Rosa Parks, but she embarked on this conversation about how unfair it was to black people to be treated like that and how she would be like Rosa Parks and not give up her seat. And I went along with it, making agreeing noises and throwing in comments about being aware of injustices and standing up for those who need help... all very standard and a little trite.

And then my daughter said: "I'm glad I'm not black."

Obviously, in the context, I get what she meant. But it was such an awful thing to hear on so many levels, that I had no suitable reaction. It's a depressing acknowledgment that her life is easier because she's not black. It's horrible because it completely negates everything worth celebrating about black heritage and culture. And it's uncomfortable, embarrassing, because that's the kind of thing we're not supposed to say out loud. It's the kind of thing we're not supposed to feel.

As always when the children go off my parenting script, I rambled helplessly for a few minutes trying to tag off the key politically correct points. I talked about white privilege and how it was good to recognise that we had advantages because we're white but that doesn't make it bad to be black. I talked in very vague terms about how black people have a lot to be proud of, but of course I couldn't give any examples because I am a well-intentioned but ultimately insular white person who doesn't think well on her feet.

I remember what I talked about, but—crucially—I dont remember what I said, and I'm not convinced that my daughter understood any of it. I need to prepare, find a time to bring this topic up again and talk through it a bit with both children. In the meantime, it's another reminder of just how ineffectual we actually are when it comes to supporting equal rights.

PS In another fantastically uncomfortable parenting moment, my daughter started reading this blog over my shoulder as I typed, so we got to revisit this topic sooner than I expected. For the record, she's OK with me publishing the blog. I'm still not sure she understands what I mean about white privilege, but I'm a little happier about how I said it this time.


  1. I recall having this same thought when I was 7--over 40 years ago. And my parents were the opposite of racist and never said anything derogatory about any group of people. But obviously I picked up on how society functioned. And sadly things have not changed enough as your child has also recognized her status.

  2. I just had a similar encounter with my 6 year old as they are learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to give her a more in depth understanding of the impact he's had on civil rights and social justice, we watched a couple of age appropriate short films, to which towards the end, she replied "That's so awful that they had to go through that!! .... I'm glad I'm not black!!!" This gutted me.... I don't know where her lapse of realization occurred, or why that was her train of thought to begin with.... my daughter is half black and has always been made aware of this fact so that she is aware of and respects the sacrifices and strides made for her to be able to enjoy the liberties in life she has now.... I guess I just needed to vent a bit because I just never thought this would be an issue I'd have to address...
